Dated: 2nd June, 2014
of Research Paper Prize for the session 2014-2015
Dear Scholar/Professor/Researcher
It’s a matter of pleasure that the Centre announces two best paper
prizes with the name “Prof. (Dr.) Sohan
Raj Laxmi Devi Tater Jodhpur (Rajasthan) Research Paper Prize” for our
online journals Lokayata: Journal of Positive Philosophy and Milestone
Education Review for the session
Those scholars who will contribute their research papers in one of the forthcoming issues, are
eligible for these prizes:
1. Lokayata
:Journal of Positive Philosophy, Vol. IV, No.2, September, 2014
2. Milestone
Education Review, Year 05, No.02, October, 2014
3. Lokayata
:Journal of Positive Philosophy, Vol. V, No.1, March, 2015
4. Milestone
Education Review, Year 06, No.01, April, 2015
The selection criteria will be the innovative theme, content and writing
style of the paper. Kindly follow the special theme, if mentioned there. You
can visit the following websites for our call for papers:
Lokayata: Journal of Positive Philosophy (ISSN :2249-8389)
Milestone Education Review (ISSN:2278-2168)
Kindly contribute your research paper in the abovementioned
journals and be a part of CPPIS’s work. Waiting for your positive response.

Desh Raj Sirswal)Editor of the Journals