on Teacher’s Day-2012
The Positive
Philosophy Society of P.G.Govt.
College for Girls, Sector-11, Chandigarh organised an
event on “Teacher’s Day” on 5th September, 2012. The details are
given below:
Vashishta (Vice-President) coordinated the function and discussed the
importance of the programme.
Ms. Nisha
Khangan (Editor) and Ms. Rajni Bala
(Co-editor) introduced the objectives and content of student-magazine “SOPHIA”.
They also informed student that the magazine will be issued on two special occasions
viz., Teacher’s Day (5th September) and World Philosophy Day (Third
Thursday of November of every year).
Ms. Nisha
Khangan presented the first issue of student-magzine “SOPHIA” to Ms. Rashi
Verma (President) and she inaugurated it with other assocate memebers and distributed
the same to all students of philosophy and other faculty members.
following students were faciliated by the Society for for their calss performance:
Ms. Nidhi Chauhan, B.A.IIIrd Year
Ms.RashiVerma, B.A.IIIrd Year
Ms.NehaVashishta, B.A.IIIrd Year
Ms. Nisha Khangan, B.A.IIIrd Year
Ms. Kanchan, B.A.IInd Year
Ms.RajniBala, B.A.IInd Year
Ms.Kanchan, B.A.Ist Year
Ms. Shavnam, B.A.Ist Year
programme ended with an address by Teacher-Incharge, he encourgaed students to
write and explore their thinking through creative initiatives. All the C.R.s of
all classes and students enjoyed the function. A special thanks to Ms.Rashi Verma , Ms. NehaVashishta,
Ms. Nisha Khangan, Ms. Rajni Bala, Ms. Kanchan for their valuable efforts and made
this event successful.