Society for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (SPPIS), Haryana Copyright© Dr. Desh Raj Sirswal
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Happy New Year to all
आशा का दीपक / रामधारी सिंह "दिनकर"
वह प्रदीप जो दीख रहा है झिलमिल दूर नही है
थक कर बैठ गये क्या भाई मन्जिल दूर नही है
चिन्गारी बन गयी लहू की बून्द गिरी जो पग से
चमक रहे पीछे मुड देखो चरण-चिनह जगमग से
बाकी होश तभी तक, जब तक जलता तूर नही है
थक कर बैठ गये क्या भाई मन्जिल दूर नही है ।
Cited From:, Dated २२-०४-2008
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Note in Reference to Dr. PRATAP NIRBHAY SINGH’s blogs
Note in Reference to Dr. PRATAP NIRBHAY SINGH’s blogs
This is a note for the regular readers of work of SPPIS, Haryana. The following posts are displayed on one of our friend Dr. PRATAP NIRBHAY SINGH’s blogs (Executive Member of SPPIS, Haryana). Kindly get the proper reference for them as they are cited from our work. Blogs are mentioned here with right reference of our articles. This is only because of repetition of work:
(Indian Psychology)
Spiritual Approach to Education: An Indian Experience
Sri Aurobindo and Spiritual Approach to Education
(The Positive Philosophy)
Value Oriented Education and its Week Points
Darshan ki Paribhasha
(Interdisciplinary Studies)
Meaning of Education
In Service of Philosophy
Uplifting Philosophy Uplifting Self (Main Site)
Friday, December 3, 2010
Report on ICPR Sponsored One-Day Regional Seminar

Monday, November 22, 2010

- Indian Value System: Theory & Practice
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Post-Graduate Govt. College for Girls, Sector-11, Chandigarh
Dated: 14-10-2010
SSPP is going to organize the following departmental activities for Philosophy and Sanskrit students:
(i) Role of Youth in Community Participation Programmes
(ii) Student’s Problem and their Solution
(iii) Role of Teacher in Social Awareness
(iv) Role Model for Youth
(v) Conception of an Ideal Government
(vi) Social Evils: Causes and Preventions
(vii) Role of Positive Thinking on Human Behaviour
(viii) Indian Value System: Continuity and Change
Theme: Reflections of Indian Society and Culture
Programme Schedule:
Date : October 30 ,2010
Venue: Room No. 210 (Near Sanskrit & Philosophy Dept.)
Interested students may contact Dr. Desh Raj Sirswal (Department of Philosophy, Room No. 204) and submit their nomination latest by 25 Ocober,2010. Their will be a provision of Prizes to competent students.
See the pictures:
Monday, October 11, 2010
On the Occasion of Mahrishi Valmiki Jayanti
A Group Discussion to be held
On October 21,2010.
Social Problems and Violation of Human Rights in Haryana
Time: 5:00 pm (Thursday)
Centre for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (CPPIS)
Milestone Education Library,
Valmiki Dharamshala,
Pehowa (Kurukshetra)
Programme Pictures:
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Report on An Interactive Meeting on "Role of Teachers in 21st Century Education" held on Sept 05, 2010
Report on an Interactive Meeting on "Role of Teachers in 21st Century Education" held on Sept 05, 2010 (Teacher’s Day)

Society for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (SPPIS), Haryana in colloboration with Milestone Education Society (Regd.), Pehowa inarguated a Centre for Positive Philosophy and Inter-disciplinary Studies (CPPIS) at Milestone Education Library, Pehowa (Kurukshetra).On this occassion an Interactive meeting on "Role of Teachers in 21st Century Education" was organised at Pehowa (Kurukshetra) on dated September 05, 2010 (Teacher's Day). The programme had the following schedule:
The programme started at 10.30 am with the Key-note address of Mr. Kiran Bagri (Former President of MSES) and he discussed the role of teacher in student's education, about Radhakrishnan and introduction of Milestone Education Society. Welcome-address delivered by Mr. Anil Bagri (M.C., Reporter and Lawyer) and he deliberately discuss the workings of the Society and issued a warm regard to the speakers and participants.
The meeting was chaired by Prof. K.K. Sharma (Former pro-Vice-Chancellor , NEHU, Shillong) President, Council for Teacher Education (HSC) and Visiting professor, Sohan Lal College of Education, Ambala City. He is also the patron of SPPIS, Haryana. The following persons discussed their views on the theme in different ways:
Ms. Rajinder Kaur (Vice-President, SPPIS and Lecturer in Punjabi) shared her views on "Objectives of Education" and critically examined the present education system. She focused on the question 'What is Education and its aims ?' She presented a socialist and humanitarian interpretation of the idea of education.
Mr. Manoj Kumar (M.Phil, Dept of Economics, K.U.K.) expressed his views on "The Role of Teacher's in 21st Century “and described the role of teacher in a vast framework of our great leaders and gurus. He presented a synoptic view regarding the theme. His focal point was concentrated on social change and social justice in regard to imparting education.
Mr. Ramjawari (Research Scholar, Dept. of Geology, K.U.K.) expressed his ideas on "Role of Teacher" in relation to his experience and he concentrated on some qualitative initiatives in social and educational fields.
Mr. Ishwar Singh (Lecturer, Sanskriti Model Schools, Panipat) shared his views on "Importance of Discipline in Education “and focused on teacher's different aspects in regard to their relation with students, meaning of education, aim of education and relation of education and its implications to the society
Mr. Jogesh Sharma (PRO, SPPIS, Haryana) expressed his views on "Morality in Education" and discussed the value of teacher and concentrated on cultivation of ethical ideas on teachers as well as students. He discussed that present teachers are totally involved in their livelihood and not in the service of students and their nation. Being ethical is the final step for a better education system.
Mr.Vikram Lohat (Lecturer in Tourism Management and Cashier of MSES, Pehowa) shared his views on "Teacher and Student Relationship" and discussed the expertise of the teacher. He discussed that how a teacher qualitative improve himself and transform it to their students. being a part of education he should continuously update himself and try to formulate new idewas for the betterment of education system.
In his presidential address Prof. K.K. Sharma emphasize on the pedagogy of teacher education. He presented his views on "Changing Role of Teacher in 21st Century Education". he shared his life experience in regard to motivate the students and participants. His focal point was how the present teacher becomes a role-model for their students and develop their society and nation by their society and nation by their qualitative initiatives. The present time needs it and is will be a valuable content for our society if we will be able to do some fundamental changes in the system. An appropriate model of development is very necessary in the time of value crisis and emerging needs of the society in regard to population, corruption and internationalism etc.
An one hour session organized for the open discussion, criticism and to rectify the objections of the listeners and speakers. A warm discussion on different aspects of Indian history, social movements , ideologies were happened.
The programme ended about 3.30 pm with the Thanking note by Mr. Deepak Bagri (President, MSES) and he emphasized on the need of these types of programmes and requested for continuous assistance with the Society and the Centre for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies. There was 33 participants except the students of MSES Tuition programme.
DESH RAJ SIRSWAL (Programme Coordinator)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
On the Nature of Positive Philosophy
For more details go to:
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Welcome to SPPIS,Haryana
Near Guga Maidi, Balmiki Basti, House No.255/06, Pehowa-136128 Dist. Kurukshetra (HARYANA)
Mobile No. 09896848775
Website: ://